Rimrock Promotions
PO Box 50905
Billings, MT 59105

Beau: 406.696.9800
Devon: 406.698.3402







Fall Show

Rimrock Promotions, the region’s number one Home Show Producers, will be holding the 31st Annual Fall Home Improvement Show at the new “Expo Center”, Montana’s largest exhibition facility.

The show is free to the public and will open Friday, September 6th at noon and run through Sunday, September 8th at 5:00 p.m. Over 400 exhibits made the 2023 show the largest Fall show in a 5 state area with a 5 year average attendance of 20,000+.  NOW is the time to exhibit your products and services.

Over $40,000.00 is allocated in advertising and promoting the show, along with innovative grand prizes